first edition

On July 24, 2022

Elgon festival is an elaborate cultural extravaganza and music showcase from peoples in and around Mt. Elgon region from both Kenya and Uganda. Mt. Elgon is an extinct volcano and has the largest caldera in the world, its 4,321m peak is the eighth highest in Africa. It is located on the border of Kenya and Uganda and is famous for it’s speciality Arabica coffee grown but eh agro forestry communities living on its slopes as well as deep cultural practices that make it a cultural tourism experience.

Circumcision practiced by all the tribes around Mt. Elgon is a big cultural tourism event as seen by the Bamasaaba Imbalu ceremony whose carnival is the 3rd largest cultural tourism event world over after Brazil and Italy carnivals respectively gathering up to one million people. The Elgon Festival will be a three day event.

Circumcision practiced by all the tribes around Mt. Elgon is a big cultural tourism event as is seen by the Sabiny and Bamasaaba ceremony whose carnival is the 3rd largest cultural tourism event in the world over after Brazil and Italy carnivals respectively gathering up to one million people.

Why the Elgon festival

Justifying the Theme.

On this day, Uganda will focus its attention on Mbale City the home of the cultures of several ethnicities who are the celebrants of Elgon festival. With so many unique traditions in the Elgon it is a wonder that there’s a commonality in the expression, therefore befittingly this year’s theme will be “Unity in Diversity”.

Elgon festival is one of beads, bells, elaborate costume, food, music and dance and is unequalled anywhere else in the world. This event will require intense preparation and manpower.


Previous Festival

people attended
cultures represented
artists performed
special guests